How to return both Response.text() and Response from async function?

Solution 1:

Assuming that you are using reqwest, it should be possible to collect the bytes of the response body with Response::chunk(), text() consumes self but chunk() only takes a mutable reference.

Something like the following collects the response body and decodes it to a String in a lossy manner.

use futures_util::StreamExt;

async fn main() {
    let cli = reqwest::Client::new();
    let urls = vec![
    let responses = futures_util::stream::iter(urls.into_iter())
        .then(|url| { // note that I replaced `map` with `then` here.
            let cli = cli.clone();
            async move {
                let mut resp = cli.get(url.clone()).send().await.unwrap();
                let mut body = Vec::new();
                while let Some(chunk) = resp.chunk().await.unwrap() {
                (url, resp, String::from_utf8_lossy(&body).to_string())
    for (url, response, text) in responses {
        println!("url: {} status: {} text: {}", url, response.status(), text);

As the in-line comment notes: I changed the map() call to then() so the stream yields the tuples rather than futures with the tuples as output.