Walrus assignment expression in list comprehension/generator

I am trying to pass each element of foo_list into a function expensive_call, and get a list of all the items whose output of expensive_call is Truthy. I am trying to do it with list comprehensions, is it possible? Something like:

Something like this:

 result_list = [y := expensive_call(x) for x in foo_list if y]


 result_list = [y for x in foo_list if y := expensive_call(x)]

Note: This is not a solution because it call expensive call twice:

 result_list = [expensive_call(x) for x in foo_list if expensive_call(x)]

And before someone recommends none list comprehension, I know one can do:

result_list = []
for x in foo_list:
   result = expensive_call(x)
   result and result_list.append(result)

Solution 1:

Quoting from above:

result_list = [y for x in foo_list if y := expensive_call(x)]

It should work almost exactly as how you have it; just remember to parenthesize the assignment with the := operator, as shown below.

foo_list = [1, 2, 3]
def check(x): return x if x != 2 else None

result_list = [y for x in foo_list if (y := check(x))]


[1, 3]

Solution 2:

As suggested by RufusVS, this works and has the expected complexity.

def expensive_call(x):
    return x == 5

foo_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,6,5]
print([y for y in map(expensive_call,foo_list) if y])

results in

[True, True]

As there are two 5 that satisfy expensive_call