Java referencing an out-a-scope object

I'm saving the previous value of a Java object. I (almost) understand references are strong, weak, etc. but I can't find an example that classifies my specific situation that is apparently referencing an out-of-scope object. (I've looked at a lot of posts on this subject.)

Is the Java reference aTestCopy to the out-of-scope array of objects aTest valid?

It's a shallow copy but is it subject to garbage collection thus I need a deep copy for it to work reliably every time? Or should the declaration of the new object aTest be placed outside the while with the "previous" copied object aTestCopy?

Is the use of a null a good practice for the first-time-through switch or should that be a separate boolean variable? Thanks.

Tester[] aTestCopy = null;
    Tester[] aTest = myMethodReturnsATesterArray(); // new values

    // need code to skip using aTestCopy the first time through - no previous value
    // else use the previous value here

    aTestCopy = aTest; // save them for the next use of previous values

Solution 1:

There is no problem to use null as initial value for reference types in Java. But there isn't any relevance between initialize a reference type as null and garbage collection. You should initialize aTestCopy as null to use in another scope like in your case in while.

Garbage collection is triggered whenever an object in memory is not pointed anymore by any reference.

When you assign a reference type to another reference type (if it is not immutable in this case), you made copy the memory address of that value. So when you can make a change in aTestCopy will be reflected to the reference aTest.