Firebase date type field conversion
I am receiving data from firestore in the below format of the field whose type is Date.
"seconds": 1642512053,
"nanoseconds": 303000000
Above value is saved in firestore as
January 18, 2022 at 6:58:19 PM UTC+5:30
I want to display the value in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AMPM
; however toDate, DatePipe, formatDate
... none method works. I did string conversion and then converted it to date from seconds which is too much tedious.
Has anyone faced a similar problem and any short-cut trick?
Those pipes take milliseconds. You could do something like this:
data = {
"seconds": 1642512053,
"nanoseconds": 303000000
{{ data.seconds * 1000 + data.nanoseconds / 1000000 | date: 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm a' }}
Which at the time of writing this outputs: 18/20/2022 08:20 AM
Here's a stackblitz showcasing it: