React Native Transparent Video

I am new to react native and I have a problem where I need to play 2 videos on top of each other, one of them is a transparent video and the other is a normal video. So starting from there, I would like to play the original video and than on top of that play the transparent video, both videos should be synced with each other. Does someone know if that is possible or not. Thank you

@EkremAy thank you for your feedback but I think you should double check your answer, because videos with aplha channel exist, they have .webm or .mov extensions (not sure for other extensions, but I'm 100% sure that .mp4 files to not support transparent videos), also you can check this link for a reference.

I got a demo working on ReactJs where I have a .mp4 video and .webm video and everything works as it should (I will attach the code below), I will try to implement it on React Native and if I find a solution for react native as well I will edit this question so someone else might use it.

import video from './assets/counter.mp4'
import alpha from './assets/alpha.webm'

const VideoDemo = () => {
  return (
      <p>Transparent video on top a video DEMO</p>
      <video height="700" width="1000" muted autoPlay controls style={{ zIndex: '-1', position: 'absolute'}}>
        <source src={video} type="video/mp4"/>
      <video height="600" width="1000" muted autoPlay controls = '' >
          <source src={alpha}type="video/webm"/>

export default VideoDemo;