VBA Array of integers from integer to integer without typing out every single one

I am trying to figure out a correct code for

FormatStrokeArray = Array (120 to 300 step 1)

Because typing out hundreds of integers would be insane.

Later I am trying to find if my value is inside that array using

If IsInArray(FormatStroke, FormatStrokeArray) = True Then
MsgBox ("WORKS")
end if

and the function is

Function IsInArray(stringToBeFound As String, arr As Variant) As Boolean
  IsInArray = UBound(Filter(arr, stringToBeFound)) > -1
End Function

Please, try understanding the next code:

Sub testEvaluate()
   Dim FormatStrokeArray
   FormatStrokeArray = Application.Transpose(Evaluate("row(120:300)")) 'create an array as you need (based 1 array)
   Debug.Print Join(FormatStrokeArray, "|") 'see the array in Immediate Window
   'play here with integers:
   Debug.Print IsInArray(FormatStrokeArray, 300) 'it returns true
   Debug.Print IsInArray(FormatStrokeArray, 100) 'it returns false
   Debug.Print PositionInArray(FormatStrokeArray, 150) 'it returns 31 (the 31th element)
   Debug.Print PositionInArray(FormatStrokeArray, 100) 'it returns -1 (no match)
End Sub
Function IsInArray(arr As Variant, myVal As Integer) As Boolean
   Dim mtch
   mtch = Application.Match(myVal, arr, True)
   If Not IsError(mtch) Then
     If mtch = UBound(arr) Then
        If arr(UBound(arr)) = myVal Then IsInArray = True: Exit Function
        IsInArray = True: Exit Function
     End If
   End If
   IsInArray = False
End Function
Function PositionInArray(arr As Variant, myVal As Integer) As Variant
   Dim mtch: mtch = Application.Match(myVal, arr, True)
   If Not IsError(mtch) Then
     If mtch = UBound(arr) Then
        If arr(UBound(arr)) = myVal Then PositionInArray = mtch: Exit Function
        PositionInArray = mtch: Exit Function
     End If
   End If
   PositionInArray = -1
End Function

If something not clear, please do not hesitate to ask for clarifications.

I don't think that you need an array. If you want to check numbers in a range you can do it like this:

isValueInRange checks if the given value is equal or greater than the minValue (120) and equal or lower than the maxValue. If yes it returns true otherwise false. That's it.

Option Explicit

Private Const const_minValue As Long = 120
Private Const const_maxValue As Long = 300

Public Sub test_isValueInRange()
'this is for testing the result of isValueInRange
Dim v As Long

v = 123
If isValueInRange(v) = True Then Debug.Print "Test 1: OK" Else Debug.Print "Test 1: error"

v = 10
If isValueInRange(v) = True Then Debug.Print "Test 2: error" Else Debug.Print "Test 2: OK"

v = 301
If isValueInRange(v) = True Then Debug.Print "Test 3: error" Else Debug.Print "Test 3: OK"

v = 300
If isValueInRange(v) = True Then Debug.Print "Test 1: OK" Else Debug.Print "Test 1: error"

End Sub

Public Function isValueInRange(valueToCheck As Long, _
    Optional minValue As Long = const_minValue, _
    Optional maxValue As Long = const_maxValue)

If valueToCheck >= minValue And _
    valueToCheck <= maxValue Then
        isValueInRange = True
End If

End Function

'One-liner version of above code that uses the const-values for min and max.
Public Function isValueInRange_shortVersion(valueToCheck As Long)
   isValueInRange_shortVersion= (valueToCheck >= minValue And valueToCheck <= maxValue)
End Function