VB.Net dataset rows count always returning 0
A tableadapter is a device that moves data in either direction between a database and a datatable.
A datatable is part of a dataset (a dataset is a collection of datatable)., and is a client side representation of (some or all) of a database table.
To work with database data you use a tableadapter to transfer it from the database table to the datatable. You work with it, maybe edit it and maybe save it back to the database
From what you've described it sounds like you're not actually using a tableadapter to fill the datatable before inspecting it for data. The dataset designer is just a visual representation of the tableadapter and associated datatable classes; it doesn't mean that the database data is automatically available in your program
You'll need to have a code like:
Dim ta As New YourDatasetNameTableAdapters.SP_Get_Data_Communication_ParametersTableAdapter()
ta.Fill(Me.Ds1.SP_Get_Data_Communication_Parameters, any, parameters, the, sproc, needs, here)
Then you can look through the datatable and see the data the TA downloaded
Edit footnote:
If you make changes to the rows, like
For Each ro in Ds1.SP_Get_Data_Communication_Parameters
ro.FirstName = "John"
Next ro
Then you can send the changes back to the db using the Update method of the table adapter
Update will run all different kinds of query, not just UPDATE. Newly added rows will be INSERT. Deleted rows will be DELETEd. Microsoft should really have called it SaveChanges