How do you set a cooldown on a Slash command?

I recently started working on Discord JS v13 with Slash commands and I was wondering, how can I set cooldowns to the commands? And if it's possible, could you please show me an example?

This is my test code:

const { Permissions, MessageEmbed, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
 data: new SlashCommandBuilder()   
 .setDescription("Test command."),

 async run (client, interaction, message){

 interaction.reply({ content: "What is this uwu", ephemeral: true })

Solution 1:

First, create a discord.js collection to store users' cooldown and set cooldown time.

// index.js
client.cooldowns = new Discord.Collection();
client.COOLDOWN_SECONDS = 10; // replace with desired cooldown time in seconds

When a user executes a command, check if the user exists in the cooldown. If so, notify it to the user. If not, run the comnand and set cooldown. After the time you specified, remove it.

// command file
async run(client, interaction, message) {
  if (client.cooldowns.has( {
    // cooldown not ended
    interaction.reply({ content: "Please wait for cooldown to end", ephemeral: true });
  } else {
    // no cooldown
    // do something here

    //now, set cooldown
    client.cooldowns.set(, true);

    // After the time you specified, remove the cooldown
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, client.COOLDOWN_SECONDS * 1000);

Solution 2:

Here is the code which I used and it worked:

First you have to create a Set

const cooldown = new Set();
///This is 1 minute, you can change it to whatever value
const cooldownTime = 60000; 

Then this is the code:

if (cooldown.has( {
    /// If the cooldown did not end
    interaction.reply({ content: "Please wait for the cooldown to end", ephemeral: true });
  } else {
    /// Else give the reply
    interaction.reply({ content: "What is this uwu", ephemeral: true });

    //now, set cooldown
        setTimeout(() => {
          // Removes the user from the set after 1 minute
        }, cooldownTime);