how to reference the Type in the Concrete class of a generic class

I found the following example, to which I have a follow up question.

stack overflow question

the existing code from the question is

 public interface IRepository<T> where T : EntityObject
    RepositoryInstructionResult Add(T item);
    RepositoryInstructionResult Update(T item);
    RepositoryInstructionResult Delete(T item);

 public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : EntityObject
    virtual RepositoryInstructionResult Add(T item)
    { //implementation}
    virtual RepositoryInstructionResult Update(T item);
    { //implementation}
    virtual RepositoryInstructionResult Delete(T item);
    { //implementation}

public class BarRepository : Repositorybase<Bar>
    public override RepositoryInstructionResult Update(Bar item);
       //Call base method if needed

       //implement your custom logic here

what I would like to do is change the Update method to something like

public class BarRepository : Repositorybase<Bar>
    // T is of Type Bar
    public override RepositoryInstructionResult Update(T item);
       //implement your custom logic here

Question: is there a way to expose the generic type in BarResposity : Repositorybase<Bar> to the methods in BarRepository?

looking for a better alternative to "search and replace" when building out the concrete class (eg make a copy of BarRespository as FooRepository and change all references from Bar to Foo). I would rather change the type in one place only.

(edit) Usage needs to remain as

var obj = new BarRepository();

Solution 1:

Just as a note, if you're going to override all Add/Update/Delete anyways, you can make them as abstract in the RepositoryBase and then the vs suggestion is your friend: enter image description here

and if there is shared logic between all of concrete classes you can put it in the abstract class and override abstract protected methods instead.

edit: op asked for code that can do it.. well this should work.. but if you want a new concrete implementation, you'll have to create 2 classes now

public class BarRepository<T> : RepositoryBase<T> where T : Bar
    public override int Add(T item)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public override int Update(T item)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public override int Delete(T item)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

public class BarRepository : BarRepository<Bar>


also, if classes are so similar that copy-paste and replace is enough, maybe logic shouldn't be in separate classes but in the generic class? could you give an example of 2 classes maybe?

edit 2: another dirty trick would be to use lambdas, though personally I don't know if I would do it:

public abstract class RepositoryBase<T>
    public Func<T, int> Add { get; protected set; }
    public Func<T, int> Update { get; protected set; }
    public Func<T, int> Delete { get; protected set; }
public class BarRepository : RepositoryBase<Bar>
    public BarRepository()
        Add = i => 6;
        Update = i => 7;
        Delete = i => 8;