How to make an equal distribution of turtles for each profile type using NetLogo 6.2?

I have no idea how to solve the following problem:

I have 9 turtle profiles which are:

profile1: M1R1 profile2: M1R2 profile3: M1R3 profile4: M2R1 profile5: M2R2 profile6: M2R3 profile7: M3R1 profile8: M3R2 profile9: M3R3

M= metabolism and R = reproduction.

I would like the world to have an exact number of turtles born in each of these profiles. For example:

profile1: 2 turtles profile2: 2 turtles profile3: 2 turtles profile4: 2 turtles profile5: 2 turtles profile6: 2 turtles profile7: 2 turtles profile8: 2 turtles profile9: 2 turtles

It turns out that I'm just getting to have variable numbers between the profiles. is it possible for me to distribute exact amount of turtle breeding for each profile? If yes, could anyone suggest some sort of solution? Well, I've been trying to solve this for a long time!!! :)

Thanks in advance

globals [ AvailablePatch ]

turtles-own [ metabolism reproduction code-metabolism code-reproduction all-code ] 

patches-own [ turtle-count ]

to setup
  let list1 ( list 2 4 8 )
  let list2 ( list 5 10 15 )  
  let n 2 ;; 20 meters away each turtle will be from another turtle
  set AvailablePatch patches with [ ( pxcor mod ( n + 1 ) = 0 ) and ( pycor mod ( n + 1 ) = 0 )  ]
  ask AvailablePatch
    sprout 1
            set metabolism item 0 ( n-of 1 list1 )
            set reproduction item 0 ( n-of 1 list2 )
            setup-turtles who  
    set turtle-count ( turtle-count + 1 )

to setup-turtles [ whichTurtle? ]   
  ask turtle who [     
      metabolism = 2 [
        set code-metabolism "M1"
          reproduction = 5 [
            set code-reproduction "R1"
          reproduction = 10 [
            set code-reproduction "R2"
          reproduction = 15 [
            set code-reproduction "R3"
      metabolism = 4 [ 
        set code-metabolism "M2"
          reproduction = 5 [
            set code-reproduction "R1"
          reproduction = 10 [
            set code-reproduction "R2"
          reproduction = 15 [
            set code-reproduction "R3"
      metabolism = 8 [ 
        set code-metabolism "M3"
          reproduction = 5 [
            set code-reproduction "R1"
          reproduction = 10 [
            set code-reproduction "R2"
          reproduction = 15 [
            set code-reproduction "R3"
    set all-code ( word code-metabolism code-reproduction )

Solution 1:

What you could do, is to:

  1. use 2 foreach loops. That way, you get all combinations of listitems:
  let list1 ( list 2 4 8 )
  let list2 ( list 5 10 15 ) 
  foreach list1 
    this_metabolism  ->
    foreach list2
      this_reproduction  ->
      show word this_metabolism this_reproduction
      ;... other procedures
  1. Now you want to create a turtle (or more) for each of this combinations, but only on a AvailablePatch:
ask one-of AvailablePatch
          sprout 1
            set metabolism this_metabolism
            set reproduction this_reproduction   
          set turtle-count turtles-here
          set AvailablePatch other AvailablePatch ;this patch is no longer available

If you want more than one turtle per combination, instead of ask one-of AvailablePatch use for example ask n-of 3 AvailablePatch.

I changed some more things on your code:

  1. there is a reporter, that reports an agentset containing all the turtles on the patch set turtle-count count turtles-here. You don't even have to update it there, but just call count turtles-here instead of turtle-count, when you need it. That way you don't have to add and substract turtles everytime you create new ones or some die.
  2. inside sprout its already "turtle code". Meaning that you don't have to call the procedure with a turtle's who number, but you can write the code as it was inside an ask turtle [...] block.
  3. the ifelse cases inside setup-turtles are independed, so it can be simplified.

Full code:

globals [ AvailablePatch ]

turtles-own [ metabolism reproduction code-metabolism code-reproduction all-code ] 

patches-own [ turtle-count ]

to setup
  let list1 ( list 2 4 8 )
  let list2 ( list 5 10 15 )  
  let n 2 ;; 20 meters away each turtle will be from another turtle
  set AvailablePatch patches with [ ( pxcor mod ( n + 1 ) = 0 ) and ( pycor mod ( n + 1 ) = 0 )  ]
    foreach list1 
      this_metabolism  ->
      foreach list2
        this_reproduction  ->
        ask one-of AvailablePatch
          sprout 1
            set metabolism this_metabolism
            set reproduction this_reproduction   
          set turtle-count count turtles-here
          set AvailablePatch other AvailablePatch

to setup-turtle   ;turtle procedure
    metabolism = 2 [set code-metabolism "M1"]      
    metabolism = 4 [set code-metabolism "M2"]      
    metabolism = 8 [set code-metabolism "M3"]
    reproduction = 5 [set code-reproduction "R1"]
    reproduction = 10 [set code-reproduction "R2"]
    reproduction = 15 [set code-reproduction "R3"]
  set all-code ( word code-metabolism code-reproduction )
  set color reproduction
  set pcolor metabolism