kubernetes PersistentVolume over google cloud storage bucket

I have created a persistent volume claim where I will store some ml model weights as follows:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: models-storage
    - ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: model-storage-bucket
      storage: 8Gi

However this configuration will provision a disk on a compute engine, and it is a bit cumbersome to copy stuff there and to upload/update any data. Would be so much more convenient if I could create a PersistentVolume abstracting a google cloud storage bucket. However, I couldn't find anywhere including the google documentation a way to do this. I am baffled because I would expect this to be a very common use case. Anyone knows how I can do that? I was expecting to find something along the lines of

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: test-volume
    pdName: gs://my-gs-bucket

Solution 1:

To mount cloud storage bucket you need to install Google Cloud Storage driver (NOT the persistent disk nor file store) on your cluster, create the StorageClass and then provision the bucket backed storage either dynamically or static; just as you would like using persistent disk or file store csi driver. Checkout the link for detailed steps.