How does one map an array in order to create both a new array with changed array items but without mutating the original array or any of its items?

I have an array of objects for example I want to replace the key normal with value I am using .replace with regex to basically replace the wid and hei with @HT_dtImage

const urls = [
{"normal": "", 
"thumbnail": ""},
{"normal": "",
 "thumbnail": ""},
{"normal": "",
 "thumbnail": ""}

I tried using a .map like this which just returns the original object.

const updateImages = images => { => {
    return image.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "") + "@HT_dtImage"
  return images;

I also tried this but it returns it in an array without not as an array with objects. I feel like I'm just missing something simple.

const updateImages = images => {
   return => {
     return image.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "") + "@HT_dtImage"

The expected output I am looking for is

const urls = [
{"normal": "", 
"thumbnail": ""},
{"normal": "",
 "thumbnail": ""},
{"normal": "",
 "thumbnail": ""}

Solution 1:

The OP not only needs to map the original array but also has to create and return a shallow [1] (and accordingly changed) copy of each array item.

[1] which for the OP's use case is sufficient enough due to not having to deal with deeper nested object/data structures.

Thus one could ...

  • either utilize Object.assign
  • or one makes use of spread syntax ...

const getNewListOfUpdatedUrlItems = itemList => {
  return => {
    return {
      // create shallow `item` copy.
      // change `item` copy's `normal` property accordingly.
      normal: item.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "@HT_dtImage"),

const urlItemList = [{
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
}, {
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
}, {
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
const newUrlItemList = getNewListOfUpdatedUrlItems(urlItemList);

console.log({ newUrlItemList, urlItemList });
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

In case the OP intentionally wants to mutate every of the original array's url item, then map was not the right method but forEach was ...

function changeUrlNormal(urlItem) {
  urlItem.normal =
    urlItem.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "@HT_dtImage");

const urlItemList = [{
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
}, {
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",
}, {
  "normal": "",
  "thumbnail": "",


console.log({ urlItemList });
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

Solution 2:

  let mapped_urls = => {
    url.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, '') + '@HT_dtImage';
    return url;

  console.log('URLs', mapped_urls);

 const urls = [
      normal: '',
      thumbnail: '',
      normal: '',
      thumbnail: '',
      normal: '',
      thumbnail: '',

  let mapped_urls = => {
    url.normal =
      url.normal.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, '') + '@HT_dtImage';
    return url;

  console.log('URLs', mapped_urls);

Here's your output :

enter image description here