Is it possible to use "if condition" python using Pyspark columns? [duplicate]

Yes, there are the built-in spark.sql's functions called when and otherwise that do that.

With the following dataframe.
| id|team|game|
|  1|   A|Home|
|  2|   A|Away|
|  3|   B|Home|
|  4|   B|Away|
|  5|   C|Home|
|  6|   C|Away|
|  7|   D|Home|
|  8|   D|Away|

You can use when and otherwise conditions in the following way.

from pyspark.sql import functions

df = (df.withColumn("result", 
        functions.when((df["team"] == "A") & (df["game"] == "Home"), "WIN")
                 .when((df["team"] == "B") & (df["game"] == "Away"), "WIN")
                 .when((df["team"] == "D") & (df["game"] == "Home"), "WIN")
                 .when((df["team"] == "D") & (df["game"] == "Away"), "WIN")
| id|team|game|result|
|  1|   A|Home|   WIN|
|  2|   A|Away|  LOSS|
|  3|   B|Home|  LOSS|
|  4|   B|Away|   WIN|
|  5|   C|Home|  LOSS|
|  6|   C|Away|  LOSS|
|  7|   D|Home|   WIN|
|  8|   D|Away|   WIN|