Rate Exceeding/Throttling Issue on AWS services

Solution 1:

From the AWS Certificates Manager Limits page:

API rate quotas

The following quotas apply to the ACM API for each region and account. ACM throttles API requests at different quotas depending on the API operation. Throttling means that ACM rejects an otherwise valid request because the request exceeds the operation's quota for the number of requests per second. When a request is throttled, ACM returns a ThrottlingException error. The following table lists each API operation and the quota at which ACM throttles requests for that operation.

Requests-per-second quota for each ACM API operation

API call Requests per second
AddTagsToCertificate 5
DeleteCertificate 10
DescribeCertificate 10
ExportCertificate 5
GetAccountConfiguration 1
GetCertificate 10
ImportCertificate 1
ListCertificates 1
ListTagsForCertificate 10
PutAccountConfiguration 1
RemoveTagsFromCertificate 5
RenewCertificate 5
RequestCertificate 5
ResendValidationEmail 1
UpdateCertificateOptions 5

You can resolve this by putting a sleep or wait between each request.