drawLine to write text MF

I am trying to make the letters MF using drawLine, but is struggling to connect the lines

public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
    // Render the image.
    g.drawImage (image, 30,30, this);

    // Do your graffitti here. For example,

You can take advantage of drawString:

 g.drawImage (image, 30,30, this);
 //set font size (optional)
 Font font = g.getFont().deriveFont( 20.0f ); 
 g.setFont( font );
 g.drawString("MF", 150, 100);

If you want to draw it line by line :

//draw M
g.drawLine(150,100,150,140); //from top left vertically down
g.drawLine(150,100,165,115); //from top left diagonally dowm
g.drawLine(165,115,180,100); //continue diagonally up
g.drawLine(180,100,180,140); //continue vertically down
//todo draw F

From the documentation:

Draws a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)in this graphics context's coordinate system.

so g.drawLine(150,0,150,0) draws a line between the same points (point 150,0 to point 150,0) which means it draws a point rather than a line.