Why would the C standard (whatever is the latest) forbid this program due to strict aliasing?

It is clear to me that the C standard forbids (does not define the behavior of) this program, but it is not clear why it has to be this way. Why are the aliasing rules such that one cannot write this program?


#define SIZE 512

unsigned char buffer[SIZE];
size_t free_slot = 0;

void* alloc(const size_t bytes, const size_t alignment)
     const uintptr_t start = (uintptr_t)(buffer+free_slot);
     const size_t adjust = (size_t)(start % alignment);
     const size_t placement = free_slot + adjust;
     const size_t next_free_slot = placement + bytes;


   if(SIZE < next_free_slot) return NULL;
   free_slot = next_free_slot;

   return buffer+placement;


struct thing {
  uint64_t x;
  uint64_t y;

int main()
  int* p1 = alloc(sizeof(int),alignof(int));
  printf("alignof(struct thing)=%ld\n",alignof(struct thing));
  struct thing* p2 = alloc(sizeof(struct thing),alignof(struct thing));

  *p1 = 143;
  memcpy(p2,&(struct thing){1,2},sizeof(struct thing));


  return 0;


Would it be possible to amend the standard to permit such a program or is this a hopeless endeavor?

Solution 1:

It is clear to me that the C standard forbids this program

Not really, it doesn't cover what will happen if you type pun from a character array into a struct - it is undefined behavior, since it violates a "shall" in C17 6.5/7, but not a constraint.

Regarding all the "strict aliasing sucks am I right?" rants... yes and no. The original purpose of these rules was to disallow wild and crazy conversions. The C99 rationale 5.10 chapter 6.5/35 shows this example:

int a;
void f(int * b)
  a = 1;
  *b = 2;

It is tempting to generate the call to g as if the source expression were g(1), but b might point to a, so this optimization is not safe. On the other hand, consider

int a;
void f( double * b )
  a = 1;
  *b = 2.0;

Again the optimization is incorrect only if b points to a. However, this would only have come about if the address of a were somewhere cast to double*. The C89 Committee has decided that such dubious possibilities need not be allowed for.

This is the original rationale and C99 extended the unclear rules of C89 a bit with the introduction of effective type, for better and worse. The rules are still very much unclear, but the original intention is to allow compilers to not having to make weird assumptions as the above. So far it is a perfectly sensible assumption that compilers should be allowed to make.

Unfortunately somewhere in the early 2000s, some compilers most notably gcc decided to abuse this in order to perform optimizations. Suddenly you couldn't do things like uint8_t arr[2]; ... *(uint16_t*)arr because that's strictly speaking a strict aliasing violation. Until C99 compilers had generated sensible code without such optimizations, but past C99 some chose to go haywire. The situation has improved somewhat over the years but we can still not rely on compilers to generate "the expected" code in my little uint16_t* conversion above.

The number of exceptions to the strict aliasing rules in C17 6.5/7 leaves a lot to be desired. For example it is perfectly sensible to type pun between various unsigned integer types - anyone who's done hardware-related programming understands this. But this isn't allowed.

And as another example there's no mentioning what will happen with type qualifiers - nobody in the whole world seems to be able to answer this: What rules are there for qualifiers of effective type? - I have no idea of what rules there are myself.

It's unclear how to use arrays in relation to effective type... the list goes on. There's numerous Defect Reports about various details of these rules but they haven't been improved.

As for if your program contains any strict aliasing violations and how to fix it:

  • unsigned char buffer[SIZE]; has the effective type (array of) unsigned char.
  • const uintptr_t start = (uintptr_t)(buffer+free_slot); is fine assuming that you don't end up with misalignment, but that's a separate issue.
  • When you de-reference the pointer from the caller side and make a lvalue access as int or a struct type etc, there is a strict aliasing violation, since this is not one of the allowed exceptions in the list 6.5/7. The other way around - going from a larger type and accessing byte by byte with character type pointers would be fine.

So to fix it you have to make something like this, for the int example:

typedef union
  int i;
  unsigned char bytes[sizeof(int)];
} intalias_t;

Now you can do:

intalias_t* p1 = alloc(sizeof(int),alignof(int));
(*p1).i = 143; // well-defined

Because (*p1).i is "an lvalue expression that" is "an aggregate or union type that includes" "a type compatible with the effective type of the object". That is, the union contains a character type array which is (supposedly) compatible with the effective type which is also a character type. "Supposedly" since the rules are muddy when it comes to array access. And if your original array or the one in the union contained a type qualifier, nobody knows(?) what will happen.

When in doubt/as a rule of thumb, use -fno-strict-aliasing.

Solution 2:

Why is the aliasing rules such that one cannot write this program?

The strict-aliasing rule, which has been in every version of ISO C published to date, does not say that you cannot write the program, or even that a C implementation cannot accept it and execute it with the effect you seem to want. Rather, this is one of the comparatively many places where the specification holds that the program, though syntactically correct and satisfying (I think) all language constraints, has undefined behavior.

There are various reasons for the spec to leave program behavior undefined under some circumstances, or, as in this case, to explicitly specify that it is undefined. In the case of the strict aliasing rule, the rationale document for C99 (there is no such document for more recent versions of the specification) speaks to this decision:

The types of lvalues that may be used to access an object have been restricted so that an optimizer is not required to make worst-case aliasing assumptions

(p. 59)

That full discussion is too much to quote here (it's a bit more than a full page of the document), but you may find it of interest.

Would it be possible to amend the standard to permit such a program or is this a hopeless endeavor?

The ISO has a working group devoted to maintaining the language specification, and it releases revisions from time to time. In principle, then, it is possible that such a change could be made. In practice, it is doubtful that this particular change would be accepted because it would have wide-ranging impact for comparatively small gain.

Solution 3:

As others have mentioned, strict aliasing allows for certain optimization to be made. And given that these optimizations are useful, the standard committee is unlikely to remove it.

That being said, particular implementations do have methods of getting around this. In particular, gcc has the malloc attribute. From the GCC documentation:

malloc (deallocator)
malloc (deallocator, ptr-index)

Attribute malloc indicates that a function is malloc-like, i.e., that the pointer P returned by the function cannot alias any other pointer valid when the function returns, and moreover no pointers to valid objects occur in any storage addressed by P. In addition, the GCC predicts that a function with the attribute returns non-null in most cases.

Independently, the form of the attribute with one or two arguments associates deallocator as a suitable deallocation function for pointers returned from the malloc-like function. ptr-index denotes the positional argument to which when the pointer is passed in calls to deallocator has the effect of deallocating it.

So if you compile with gcc and declare your function like this:

void* alloc(const size_t bytes, const size_t alignment) __attribute__((malloc))

Then you can safely use the returned memory as though it was returned by malloc, and strict aliasing can still be used elsewhere in the program.

Upon further reflection, given that several compilers support attributes of some type, it would make sense to standardize many of these to give application developers more control in how code can be compiled. Given that C has been historically viewed as a "portable assembler" but standards have caused a divergence from that, putting support for such low-level behavior in the standard would probably be well-received.