How to `kubectl get all` in k9s?

Posting community wiki answer based on GitHub topic - Show multiple resource types without having to switch. Feel free to expand it.

That's true, there is no information about this in the documentation because simply there is no such possibility. There is open issue with this request on the GitHub page of k9s:

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Oftentimes I'm watching/working on multiple resource types at the same time and it's very helpful to not have to switch from one to another. This is something very like kubectl get pod,deploy,... or kubectl get-all commands allows

Describe the solution you'd like
Being able to see multiple or all resources in the same screen without having to switch between resource types like:
:pod,configmap shows all pods & configmaps in the current namespace
:all shows all resources in the current namespace (get-all like)

Last pinged November 4 2021.