Calculate if today date between 2 other dates - But only with day and month [closed]

Use the java.time.MonthDay class to represent the dates. It has methods like isAfter(), isBefore() and compareTo() to compare two instances.
One problem is handling the case when the period covers a year change, that is, when the start date is after the end date.

    boolean checkInterval(String testDate, String startDate, String endDate) {
        var format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM");
        var test = MonthDay.parse(testDate, format);
        var start = MonthDay.parse(startDate, format);
        var end = MonthDay.parse(endDate, format);

        if (end.isBefore(start)) {
            // end must be in *next* year
            return !(test.isBefore(start) && test.isAfter(end));
        } else {
            // start and end on same year
            return !(test.isBefore(start) || test.isAfter(end));

Since isAfter() and isBefore() returns false if the MonthDays are equal, the code is using ! isAfter() instead of isBefore() and vice-versa. (! isAfter() will return true if the MonthDays are equal or if the first (this) is before the argument - mathematically x >= y is the same as not(x < y))

Thats one way of doing it:

boolean isDateBetween(String dateToTest, String lowerDate, String upperDate) {
    int anyYear = 2000;
    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");
    LocalDate d1 = LocalDate.parse(lowerDate + "/" + anyYear, formatter);
    LocalDate d2 = LocalDate.parse(upperDate + "/" + anyYear, formatter);
    if (d2.isBefore(d1)) {
      d1 = d1.minusYears(1);
    LocalDate testDate = LocalDate.parse(dateToTest + "/" + anyYear, formatter);
    return testDate.isEqual(d1) || testDate.isAfter(d1) && (testDate.isEqual(d2) || testDate.isBefore(d2));


    boolean result1 = isDateBetween("17/01", "01/11", "19/01");
    boolean result2 = isDateBetween("17/01", "06/06", "07/08");



Haven't tested it properly, but it should work.