How not to display the language if the user has this language?

I display all the languages in a view by using foreach but I don't want to display the language if the user has that language saved .

As an example

As options in the select, I have 3 languages (english, Korean, Japanese).

If the user has saved English as language in the table, it should'nt be displayed in the options.

This is the model for language.

protected $fillable = [
public function userlanguage()
        return $this->hasMany(UserLanguage::class);

this is my model for the user

protected $fillable = [
public function languages()
        return $this->belongsTo(Languages::class, 'language_ID');

This is the controller

public function index()
   $userlanguages = UserLanguage::with('user', 'languages', 'proficiency')->where('user_ID', Auth::user()->id)->get();
   $languages = Languages::all();

   return view('userlanguage',[
            'languages' => $languages,
            'userlanguages' => $userlanguages

This is the view

<select name="language">
    @foreach( $languages as $language )
        <option value="{{ $language->id }}">{{ $language->language }}</option>

I don't know how to not display the user's saved language in the options.

If you want to hide visually, you can add a class to option like

    :class="{hidden: $language->id == $userLanguage->id}"
    value="{{ $language->id }}"
>{{ $language->language }}</option>

//in CSS
.hidden {display: none;}

If you want to exclude the language completely:

<select name="language">
    @foreach( $languages->filter(fn ($l) => $l->id != $userLanguage->id) as $language )
        <option value="{{ $language->id }}">{{ $language->language }}</option>