Calling insertion sort class from driver doesn't work

The bubble sort sorting in the driver class works fine but I make a new list and try to do insertion sort and it just doesn't sort the list. I was thinking it was something with the setSortBehavior method in the first Listing class but everything I've tried hasn't worked.
package strategydesignpattern; import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Listing {
    protected String title;
    protected ArrayList<String> items;
    protected SortBehavior theSortBehavior;

 * Creates a list with the indicated name
 * @param title The title of the list
    public Listing(String title)
        this.title = title;
        this.items = new ArrayList<String>();
        this.theSortBehavior = new BubbleSort();
 * Adds an item to the list
 * @param item the item you want to add to the list
    public void add(String item)
 * removes an item from the list
 * @param item the item you want to remove from the list
    public void remove(String item)
 * a getter for the name of the list
 * @return returns the title of the list
    public String getTitle()
        return title;
 * sets the sort behavior to whatever is passed in
 * @param sortBehavior gets the sort behavior, either insertion or bubble
    public void setSortBehavior(SortBehavior sortBehavior)
        theSortBehavior = sortBehavior;
 * @return returns the sorted list of items
    public ArrayList<String> getSortedList()
        return theSortBehavior.sort(items);
 * @return returns the unsorted list of items
    public ArrayList<String> getUnSortedList()
        return items;


package strategydesignpattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public interface SortBehavior  {
    public ArrayList<String> sort(ArrayList<String> data);


package strategydesignpattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class BubbleSort implements SortBehavior{
    public ArrayList<String> sort(ArrayList<String> data)
        String temp;
        boolean sorted = false;
        while (!sorted) {
            sorted = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < data.size()-1; i++) {
                if (data.get(i).compareTo(data.get(i + 1)) > 0) {
                    temp = data.get(i);
                    data.set(i, data.get(i + 1));
                    data.set(i + 1, temp);
                    sorted = false;
        return data;


package strategydesignpattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class InsertionSort implements SortBehavior{
    public ArrayList<String> sort(ArrayList<String> data)
        for (int j = 1; j < data.size(); j++) {
            String current = data.get(j);
            int i = j-1;
            while ((i > -1) && ((data.get(i).compareTo(current)) == 1)) {
                data.set(i+1, data.get(i));
            data.set(i+1, current);

        return data;




package strategydesignpattern;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Creates lists of information, and displays the sorted versions of the lists
public class ListDriver {

     * Creates a new ListDriver
    public ListDriver(){}

     * Main entryway to the program
     * Creates the lists, and displays the sorted lists
    public void run() {
        Listing shoppingList = new Listing("Grocery List");

        ArrayList<String> sortedGroceryItems = shoppingList.getSortedList();

        Listing wishList = new Listing("Wish List");
        wishList.setSortBehavior(new InsertionSort());
        wishList.add("Paddle Board");
        wishList.add("Skipping Rope");
        wishList.add("Cherry Tree");

        ArrayList<String> sortedWishListItems = wishList.getSortedList();
        System.out.println("\n" + wishList.getTitle());

     * Loops through and displays each item in the list items
     * @param items list to display
    private void displayList(ArrayList<String> items){
        for(String item : items){
            System.out.println("- " + item);

    public static void main(String[] args){
        ListDriver driver = new ListDriver();;

Solution 1:

It appears that you have assumed the String.compareTo will return 1 to indicate a lexicographical ordering where the string the method is being invoked on follows the argument string. The Documenation states that the return value for String.compareTo is a positive integer to indicate this lexicographical ordering, not specifically 1.