When simulating verilog output using Icarus, is there a way to include FPGA hardware features such as RAM in the simulation?

I'm new to FPGA, and have started out with an iceBreaker board using the ICE40UP5K chip. I'm aiming to make a LED display driver, driving something similar to HUB75 used on popular display modules.

I've been able to simulate waveform generation, and view it in GtkWave using the tutorial here: https://brng.dev/blog/technical/tutorial/2019/05/11/icarus_gtkwave/

My next steps involve making use of the RAM banks inside of the ICE40UP5K. Is there some way to include the existence of this RAM in my simulation?

Solution 1:

Yes, of course - there is a library of simulated ICE40 cells included in Yosys: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/blob/master/techlibs/ice40/cells_sim.v