How can I use innerText instead of innerHTML in dynamically created HTML elements?

you could try to use a combination of document.createElement and HTMLElement.append

an example for the first <a> tag:

function makeElem (tagname, properties) {
    let elem = document.createElement(tagname);
    for (const key in properties) {
        elem[key] = properties[key];
    return elem;
infoCell.append("Submitted by ");
let a = makeElem("a", {href:'/user/"' + this.poster + '"'});
a.replaceChildren(makeElem("img", {'src':this.poster_avatar_src, 'className':'avatarimg'}), makeElem("span", {'textContent':this.poster,'style':'color:blue;'}));

this might not be the easiest but it should work, the reason for the "makeElem" function is purely convenience and you don't necessarily need it