Merging pandas dataframes generated by for loop

Let say I have below code:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import string

data = ['DF1', 'DF2', 'DF2']

for i in data :
    DF = pd.DataFrame([random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase,k=5), [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]).T
    DF.columns = ['col1', 'col2']
    DF['i'] = i

So for each i, I have different DF. Finally I need to merge all those data frames based on col1 and add numbers in col2 row-wise.

In this case, total number of such dataframes is based on length of data array, and therefore variable. In R we can use function to merge such varying number of data frames. In Python is there any way to achieve this?

For example, lets say we have 3 individual tables as below:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

After joining based on col1, I expect below table (sorted based on col1)

enter image description here

Any pointer will be highly appreciated.

Solution 1:

IIUC, try:

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[*'adrtg']
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[*'adspq']
df3 = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[*'dcxyz']

pd.concat([df1, df2, df3]).groupby('col1', as_index=False)['col2'].sum()


   col1  col2
0     a    20
1     c    11
2     d    32
3     g    14
4     p    13
5     q    14
6     r    12
7     s    12
8     t    13
9     x    12
10    y    13
11    z    14