Listen to an internet radio station without a computer

Solution 1:

No, this is not possible. You need a "computer" of some kind.

It doesn't need to be a full-blown desktop or laptop PC, though. There are lots of consumer electronics devices that can play internet radio, as long as you have an available network connection for the device.

But you do need a computer: at minimum you need a networking stack, a microprocessor, and RAM and Flash memory (for the firmware/OS). You also need some sort of DAC to output to your speakers, but some CPUs include this on-chip. Anything with these components technically counts as a "computer".

  • iPhone or iPod Touch, Blackberry, Palm Pre, Android phones (see
  • TiVO or MythTV (possibly other DVRs)
  • Chumby, a hackable media device
  • the Squeezebox family of devices or similar, made specifically for network-delivered media
  • roll-yer-own with Gumstix or similar

Solution 2:

Do you have an iPhone or other supported mobile device?