'none of those signatures are compatible with each other' error when calling find() on a value with two possible array types

Solution 1:

Your problem is that the type of desc is ABC[] | DEF[].

That means you need to supply desc.find with a function that can iterate over the elements of either a ABC[] or a DEF[]. That's what the error message is telling you.

Assuming the intent of your code is to ONLY look for an ABC in desc, the following code will do so safely, first checking to make sure desc is an ABC[] instead of a DEF[]. You can also test it in TS Playground.

type ABC = {
    title: string

type DEF = {
    name: string

type XYZ = {
    desc: ABC[] | DEF[]

const container: XYZ = {
    desc: [{ title: 'abc' }, { title: 'def' }]
const { desc } = container

let result: ABC | undefined

// only do the search if desc is an ABC[]
if (desc[0] && 'title' in desc[0]) {
    // Typescript isn't smart enough to figure out that
    // desc is now guaranteed to be an ABC[], we need
    // to include a type assertion
    result = (desc as ABC[]).find((t: ABC) => t.title === 'abc')
