VBA Macro that splits data based of cell value ; and warp text

Replace the ; with a space, use Application.Trim to removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words, and then split on the spaces that remain.

    Dim s As String
    With Worksheets("Exclusion Data")
        Set r = .Range("B" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp)
        Do While r.Row > 1
            s = Application.Trim(Replace(r.Value, ";", " "))
            ar = Split(s, " ")
            If UBound(ar) >= 0 Then r.Value = ar(0)
            For i = UBound(ar) To 1 Step -1
                r.Offset(1).Value = ar(i)
            Set r = r.Offset(-1)
        .UsedRange.WrapText = False
    End With