Solving intersection point of two circles using sympy in python

I'm trying to find the intersection point of two functions, which are in this case circle1 and circle2 with a radius of r. When I try to find the intersection point, it takes Sympy forever to calculate.

Here is an image with the intersection: enter image description here

I think this is because there are an infinite number of intersection points, when theta_1 and theta_2 are raised. Thus I guess sympy keeps solving it until infinity.

Unfortunately, solve or solveset dont allow to solve an equation for two variables within a given a range.

The code I used is:

def SYMPY():
    theta_1, theta_2, r = symbols('theta_1, theta_2, r', real=True)
    r = 10
    x1 = r*cos(theta_1) + 5
    x2 = r*cos(theta_2)
    y1 = r*sin(theta_1)
    y2 = r*sin(theta_2)

    test = sp.Eq((x1-x2)+(y1-y2),0)
    ans = sp.solve(test, theta_1, theta_2)

Does anybody know how to tackle this problem?

I know Sympy also has the circle() method, but I would like to calculate it using the equations above. This is because I have another (large) equation that I would like to solve, that also involves two circles and an intersection point.

Thanks, Mudi :)

Solution 1:

To test whether (x1,y1) is the same point as (x2,y2), Eq((x1-x2)+(y1-y2),0)doesn't do the job. You need both Eq(x1,x2) and Eq(y1,y2). (Note that you shouldn't make r a symbolic variable, as you assign a constant to it. Also note that (theta_1, theta_2) should be written as a tuple (or a list)).

For some reason, unclear to me, sympy doesn't find a solution:

from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, Eq, solve

theta_1, theta_2 = symbols('theta_1, theta_2', real=True)
r = 10
x1 = r * cos(theta_1) + 5
x2 = r * cos(theta_2)
y1 = r * sin(theta_1)
y2 = r * sin(theta_2)

test = [Eq(x1, x2), Eq(y1, y2)]
ans = solve(test, (theta_1, theta_2))
print(ans) # [] ???

An alternative is to use the direct circle equations. The angles can be found using the arc tangent.

from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, atan2, Eq, solve

x1, y1 = symbols('x1 y1', real=True)
r = 10
xm1, ym1 = 5, 0  # center of the first circle
xm2, ym2 = 0, 0  # center of the second circle
test = [Eq((x1 - xm1) ** 2 + (y1 - ym1) ** 2, r ** 2),
        Eq((x1 - xm2) ** 2 + (y1 - ym2) ** 2, r ** 2), ]
ans = solve(test, (x1, y1))

for xa, ya in ans:
    theta1 = atan2(xa - xm1, ya - ym1)
    theta2 = atan2(xa - xm2, ya - ym2)
    print(f'theta1: {theta1}, (in radians: {theta1.evalf():.6f})')
    print(f'theta2: {theta2}, (in radians: {theta2.evalf():.6f})')

This finds two solutions for (x1, y1):

[(5/2, -5*sqrt(15)/2),
 (5/2, 5*sqrt(15)/2)]

And corresponding angles:

theta1: -pi + atan(sqrt(15)/15), (in radians: -2.888912)
theta2: pi - atan(sqrt(15)/15), (in radians: 2.888912)
theta1: -atan(sqrt(15)/15), (in radians: -0.252680)
theta2: atan(sqrt(15)/15), (in radians: 0.252680)

Solution 2:

The answer from JohanC is good but I thought I'd add that you can actually get the answer in fully general terms for arbitarry symbols if you use Cartesian coordinates rather than polar:

In [88]: x1, x2, y1, y2, xi, yi, r = symbols('x1, x2, y1, y2, xi, yi, r', real=True)

In [89]: eq1 = Eq((x1 - xi)**2 + (y1 - yi)**2, r**2)

In [90]: eq2 = Eq((x2 - xi)**2 + (y2 - yi)**2, r**2)

In [91]: solve([eq1, eq2], [xi, yi])
⎡⎛                                       ⎛             ____________________________________________
⎢⎜                                       ⎜            ╱  ⎛  2               2     2               2
⎢⎜  2     2     2     2                  ⎜y₁   y₂   ╲╱  -⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ 
⎢⎜x₁  - x₂  + y₁  - y₂  + (-2⋅y₁ + 2⋅y₂)⋅⎜── + ── - ───────────────────────────────────────────────
⎢⎜                                       ⎜2    2                                       ⎛  2        
⎢⎜                                       ⎝                                           2⋅⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅
⎢⎜                                                                            2⋅(x₁ - x₂)          

_______________________________________________________          ⎞                                 
⎞ ⎛     2     2               2     2               2⎞           ⎟                                 
⎠⋅⎝- 4⋅r  + x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠ ⋅(x₁ - x₂)⎟                                 
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⎟               __________________
       2     2               2⎞                                  ⎟              ╱  ⎛  2            
x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠                                  ⎠  y₁   y₂   ╲╱  -⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ +
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────, ── + ── - ─────────────────────
                                                                    2    2                         

                                                                                           ⎞  ⎛    
                                                                                           ⎟  ⎜    
                                                                                           ⎟  ⎜  2 
_________________________________________________________________________________          ⎟  ⎜x₁  
   2     2               2⎞ ⎛     2     2               2     2               2⎞           ⎟  ⎜    
 x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠⋅⎝- 4⋅r  + x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠ ⋅(x₁ - x₂)⎟  ⎜    
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⎟, ⎜────
              ⎛  2               2     2               2⎞                                  ⎟  ⎜    
            2⋅⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠                                  ⎠  ⎝    

                                   ⎛             __________________________________________________
                                   ⎜            ╱  ⎛  2               2     2               2⎞ ⎛   
    2     2     2                  ⎜y₁   y₂   ╲╱  -⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠⋅⎝- 4
- x₂  + y₁  - y₂  + (-2⋅y₁ + 2⋅y₂)⋅⎜── + ── + ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
                                   ⎜2    2                                       ⎛  2              
                                   ⎝                                           2⋅⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x
                                                                        2⋅(x₁ - x₂)                

_________________________________________________          ⎞                                       
  2     2               2     2               2⎞           ⎟                                       
⋅r  + x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠ ⋅(x₁ - x₂)⎟                                       
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⎟               ________________________
 2     2               2⎞                                  ⎟              ╱  ⎛  2               2  
₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠                                  ⎠  y₁   y₂   ╲╱  -⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  +
────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────, ── + ── + ───────────────────────────
                                                              2    2                               

___________________________________________________________________________          ⎟⎥
   2               2⎞ ⎛     2     2               2     2               2⎞           ⎟⎥
 y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠⋅⎝- 4⋅r  + x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠ ⋅(x₁ - x₂)⎟⎥
        ⎛  2               2     2               2⎞                                  ⎟⎥
      2⋅⎝x₁  - 2⋅x₁⋅x₂ + x₂  + y₁  - 2⋅y₁⋅y₂ + y₂ ⎠                                  ⎠⎦