How can I revert a property to its default value?
Solution 1:
Here's an example of how you ought to do this with an actual default value:
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Thing
<DefaultValue("Hello World")>
Public Property WithDefault As String
Public Property WithoutDefault As String
End Class
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Reflection
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim something As New Thing
something.WithDefault = "First"
something.WithoutDefault = "Second"
If TrySetDefaultValue(something, NameOf(something.WithDefault)) Then
Console.WriteLine($"{NameOf(something.WithDefault)} reset to ""{something.WithDefault}""")
Console.WriteLine($"No default value for {NameOf(something.WithDefault)}")
End If
If TrySetDefaultValue(something, NameOf(something.WithoutDefault)) Then
Console.WriteLine($"{NameOf(something.WithoutDefault)} reset to ""{something.WithoutDefault}""")
Console.WriteLine($"No default value for {NameOf(something.WithoutDefault)}")
End If
End Sub
Public Function TryGetDefaultValue([object] As Object, propertyName As String, ByRef value As Object) As Boolean
Dim attribute = [object].GetType().GetProperty(propertyName).GetCustomAttribute(Of DefaultValueAttribute)()
If attribute Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
value = attribute.Value
Return True
End Function
Public Function TrySetDefaultValue([object] As Object, propertyName As String) As Boolean
Dim [property] = [object].GetType().GetProperty(propertyName)
Dim attribute = [property].GetCustomAttribute(Of DefaultValueAttribute)()
If attribute Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Dim value = attribute.Value
[property].SetValue([object], value)
Return True
End Function
End Module
Solution 2:
There's no out-of-the-box way to somehow revert a property to its (custom) initial value. Once it's changed, it's over; the original value is lost.
Assuming the property belongs to a class (and that it doesn't get modified in the constructor), you could retrieve the value by creating a temporary instance of the class. For example:
Class SomeClass
Public Property Name As String = "default_name"
Sub InitializeFields()
Name = String.Empty
Name = New SomeClass().Name
End Sub
End Class
However, that's not very robust and could get ugly really fast. The way I would do this is by storing the default value in a constant:
Private Const DefaultName As String = "default_name"
Public Property Name As String = DefaultName
Sub InitializeFields()
Name = String.Empty
Name = DefaultName
End Sub
And then you can do that for each property that you need to later access its original value.