Undeclared Identifier in do while loop, C

The scope of the variable height is the body of the do..while loop. The condition of this loop is outside of the body, therefore height is not in scope in the loop condition.

Move the definition of height outside of the loop.

int height;
    //ask for input with 1-8
    height = get_int("Height: ");
while (height > 0);

Height is not visible (nor exists) after the closing brace of the do body block. You must declare it outside of the loop. I've marked the points where height ceases to exist in comments below:

int main(void)
        //ask for input with 1-8
        int height = get_int("Height: ");
    } // <- the scope and visibility of height ends here
    while (height > 0); // ... so it doesn't exist here.

the solution is to declare height before the do keyword, as in:

int main(void)
    int height;
        //ask for input with 1-8
        height = get_int("Height: ");
    while (height > 0); // now, height is visible here.
} // <-- visibility and scope of height ends here.

Another thing is that, if your intention is to ask for a height and repeat the question until height > 0, then you should write while (height <= 0) instead, (you repeat the question while the answer is not correct)