How to log http requests in F#

You can pass a customization function to Http.Request, I think it would be OK to pass one that has a side effect of logging something about the request. For example:

open System.Net
open FSharp.Data

let requestHeaders =
        "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0"
        "Accept", "*/*"

let requestCustomizeFunc =
    fun (request: HttpWebRequest) -> 
        printfn "Address: %O" request.Address
        printfn "Method: %O" request.Method
        printfn "Headers: %O" request.Headers

let main argv =
    let response = Http.Request ("", headers = requestHeaders, customizeHttpRequest = requestCustomizeFunc)

    |> printfn "%O"


This is quick and dirty; if you're really serious about logging what's going on at the network level in your .NET app, you probably want to consider taking advantage of the built-in tracing capability.