Python ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #4 has length 3; 2 is required

I need to transform a tuple to dictionary with its respective key->value. The issue is that for a specific tuple I get the following error:

ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #4 has length 3; 2 is required.

But for other tuples with the same format it transforms it without problems. Could someone guide me to what is the reason of the error?
In the attached code the tuple1 value works fine, but the tuple value gives the above error.

tupla = ['."314"', '."10943"', '."RTU : otu-8000e-Comtec ( type: OPTICAL..Timestamp: Jan 15 2022 - 08:31..Severity: CLEAR..Link name: PROV-21-82-83-84 (PRI) RUTA 7 (PROV) - Port 2..Probable cause:"', '."1"', '."port=2"', '."1"', '."1"', '."0x07e6010f081f1400"', '."otu-8000e-Comtec ("', '."PROV-21-82-83-84 (PRI) RUTA 7 (PROV)"', '."0"', '."0.18"', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""', '.""']  
tupla1 = ['."3701361"', '."CRITICAL"', '."CRITICAL"', '."VALE-078-001"', '."Microreflection Threshold 1 Violation"', '."2021-09-02T19:14:04.834Z"', '."0"', '."1333972"', '.""', '."7"', '."28400000"', '."0"', '."HOLA"', '."30800000"', '."7"', '."CRITICAL"', '."40700000"', '."0"', '."NONE"', '."35600000"', '."2"', '."CRITICAL"']  
miDiccionarioTupla= dict([(tupla[x].split('"')[0]+tupla[x].split('"')[1]).split('=') for x in range(len(tupla))])  
#miDiccionarioTupla1= dict([(tupla1[x].split('"')[0]+tupla1[x].split('"')[1]).split('=') for x in range(len(tupla1))])  

Solution 1:

The problem is the fifth item in tupla:


That line contains two equal signs, so the final .split('=') produces too many values.