How to have date in mm/dd/yyyy format on typing in date picker textfield in nuxtjs?

Check this codesandbox I made, I'm not using Nuxt but you can make yourself an idea to implement it on your project:

This is a custom date picker component that I made for one of my projects. You can customize it to your needs but the component already come with multiple customization options that you can enable/modify through props.

The date picker can display dates in 3 formats. It use vue-the-mask library to control manual date inputs and some auxiliary functions to control date convertions that I import as a mixin.

  1. dd/MM/yyyy
  2. MM/dd/yyyy (Using "month-first" prop)
  3. yyyy/MM (using "month" prop)

Regardless of the format you choose to display to the end user, the custom date picker will always work internally with yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM date format