How would I test IHP my CanRoute instance (parse route for beautiful URLs)?
Solution 1:
The parseRoute'
function of the CanRoute
we define for custom routes is basically just returning an attoparsec parser.
We can use attoparsecs parseOnly
to run the parser with a provided input string. Here's an example:
module Test.Web.RoutesSpec where
import Test.Hspec
import IHP.ControllerPrelude
import IHP.Test.Mocking
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Attoparsec
import Web.Types
import Web.FrontController
tests = beforeAll (mockContextNoDatabase WebApplication (pure ())) do
describe "Web.Routes" do
describe "DocumentationController" do
it "should be available at /docs" $ withContext do
"/docs/api-reference/0bca60db-571e-4cdd-b02a-8d5b9e7e6295" `shouldRouteTo` DocumentationAction { projectId = "0bca60db-571e-4cdd-b02a-8d5b9e7e6295" }
shouldRouteTo path action = (Attoparsec.parseOnly parseRoute' path) `shouldBe` (Right action)