Does ndarray tobytes() create a copy of raw data?

Yes it makes a copy because the bytes type must have the ownership of its raw data (ie. a copy is mandatory). However, you can make a view of the Numpy array without any copy using:

batch_bytes = batch.reshape(-1).view(np.uint8)

Note that the resulting type if different (a 1D Numpy array).

Yes the ndarray.tobytes() creates a copy of the data and stores it in a different place in your computer's memory. This is also described in the NumPy's documentation

You can easily test this out by printing the memory address of your objects.

import numpy as np
import time

batch = np.ones([4, 3, 224, 224], dtype="float32")
s = time.time()
batch_bytes = batch.tobytes()
e = time.time()
print(f"{(e-s)*1e3} ms")

print(f"Batch object address:       {hex(id(batch))}")
print(f"batch_bytes object address: {hex(id(batch_bytes))}")

Gives output of:

Batch object address:       0x7f16beab0990
batch_bytes object address: 0x7f16be491010