Binding to dictionary using enum as key

I came across a problem with binding to dictonary property using enum as key in xaml file.

I have a ViewModel with property

public Dictionary<EColor, MyDataStatus> StatusByColor {get; set;}

Where EColor is as enum and MyDataStatus is my own class with property Value.

In a view I'm trying to create a binding

<TextBlock Text="{Binding StatusByColor[enum:EColor.eRed].Value}"/>

and I get an binding error

BindingExpression path error: '[]' property not found on 'object' ''Dictionary`2 .....

However if I enter a digit (instead of using enum) like this:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding StatusByColor[0].Value}"/>

It works perfectly fine

I thought it may be a problem with "including" enum in xaml (it is defined in other assembly) but a few lines below i can use it as CommandParameter like this.

Text="{Binding Path=StatusByColor, Mode=OneWay,
               Converter={StaticResource statusByColorToDayElapsedConverter}, 
               ConverterParameter={x:Static enum:EPaintColor.eRed}}"

And in this scenario (with converterParameter) even IntelliSense suggests enum's values.

This is how I "include" enum in xaml:


Solution 1:

Firstly,Give my answer,and I have verified it.

<TextBlock Text="{Binding StatusByColor[eRed].Value}"/>

I tried your code with a sample and get the same result as you mentioned. But when I try this code.

<TextBlock Text="{Binding StatusByColor[0].Value}"/>

I changed the index from 0 to 999.I got an exception "System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException" So I confirm that there is a type casting from Int to Enum. However,only Int can be converted? How about string? Yes!String also worked. Refer: WPF Binding to items within a dictionary by key?