Display value derived from field instead of field itself in q-table column

enter image description here

I have a role for a specific user with these numbers.

  1. Instead of number 1 it will display the word "Super Admin"
  2. Instead of number 2 it will display the word "Admin"
  3. Instead of number 2 it will display the word "User" and so on.

I am using q-table

              <template v-slot:top-right>
                  <template v-slot:append>
                    <q-icon name="search" />
                <div class="q-pa-sm q-gutter-sm"></div>
                  label="Create Users"
              <template v-slot:body="props">
                <q-tr :props="props">
                    v-for="col in props.cols.filter(col => col.name !== 'actions')"
                    {{ col.value }}
                  <td key="actions">
                    <q-btn dense flat color="primary" field="edit" icon="edit" />

The role in my column

      name: "role",
      align: "center",
      label: "Role",
      field: "role",
      sortable: true

Is this possible what I'm trying to achieve?

Solution 1:

Column definition can contain format field to define a custom formatting function. The function is called with the 2 arguments - the value retrieved from field and row (which can be useful to create display values by combining data from multiple fields)

const roleIdToRoleName = {
  1: "Super Admin",
  2: "Admin",
  3: "User"

  name: "role", 
  align: "center", 
  label: "Role", 
  field: "role", 
  sortable: true, 
  format: (val, row) => roleIdToRoleName[val] 

This works out of the box if you do not override default rendering by providing body slot. This is problematic because you will loose a lot of provided functionality:

  1. field can be string but it can also be a function (useful to drill down to some nested object data)
  2. format is of course not applied

Default "get cell value" functionality of q-table looks like something like this:

const getCellValue(row, col) {
  const val = typeof col.field === 'function' ? col.field(row) : row[col.field]
  return col.format ? col.format(val, row) : val

You can of course replicate it in your code and use it:

<q-td :props="props"  // !! you are missing props here
  v-for="col in props.cols.filter(col => col.name !== 'actions')"
  {{ getCellValue(props.row, col) }}

but since it seems only reason you are overriding body slot is because you need custom rendering of the actions column, why not just use body-cell-actions slot instead? This will override only rendering of actions column and other columns will use default q-table rendering

Just add actions column in columns definition:

{ name: 'actions', label: 'Action', sortable: false}
 <template v-slot:body-cell-actions="props">
   <q-td :props="props">
     <q-btn dense flat color="primary" field="edit" icon="edit" />
     <q-btn dense flat color="negative" field="delete" icon="delete" />