Unable to view the webpage hosted on my ec2 instance

I wanted to launch a little static website on an EC2 instance and I followed the following steps:

  1. launched a t2.micro instance using console in us-east-1 region
  2. attached an existing security group which allows http request, https and ssh.
  3. logged in my ec2 through SSH and changed it into an apache web server using following commands:


sudo su
yum update -y
yum install httpd -y
cd /var/www/html
  1. Then I wrote a hello world html code in index.html file and started my web service

    service httpd start
    chkconfig on

Even after following all the above steps, when I open try to access the webpage by going to the public ipv4 address of my ec2 instance, I am getting a timout error.
Any idea what I might be missing here?
Thank you.

You can try creating new EC2 instance like below

  • Lunch the same type of instance

  • Add below script in user data to create HTML page


    Use this for your user data (script from top to bottom)

    install httpd

    yum update -y yum install -y httpd systemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd echo "

    Hello World - $(hostname -f)

    " > /var/www/html/index.html
  • After launching EC2, open that security group and add below HTTP rule


  • At the end, manually type HTTP://your public address. sometimes by default its shows with HTTPS so just ensure you are typing HTTP only.