React state not updated correctly when using useState hook

You're updating the state in each interaction of the array.

The problem here is that setState is asynchronous (read), i.e the update doesn't happen instantly. In other words, when you do let url_list = [...urls], on the second and last iteraction, urls is still [], so that's why you're only getting "hello" into it.

You have 2 main approachs in this case:

1. Update the state after you've mapped the entire array.

React.useEffect(() => { 
  let url_list = [...urls]

  arr.forEach(item => {


}, []);

2. Since setState returns the previous state (read), you can do something like this:

React.useEffect(() => {
  arr.forEach(item => {
    let url_list = [...urls];
    setUrls(prevUrls => ([...prevUrls, ...url_list]))
}, []);

You are defining url_list inside forEach. This is reset the values inside url_list on each iterations. Declare url_list outside of forEach and it should be working