Error Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty while reading JSON

Solution 1:

try this, it was tested in Visual Studio

var response = client.Execute(request);

var data = JObject.Parse(response.Content)["data"];
List<SearchResults> investigatorList = data.Select(d => new SearchResults { 
Name = (string)d["lastName"], Contact = new Contact {Name = (string)d["lastName"]}}).ToList();

result (serialized to json format)

    "Name": "HV",
    "Contact": {
      "Name": "HV"
    "Name": "VF",
    "Contact": {
      "Name": "VF"


public class Contact
    public string Name { get; set; }
public class SearchResults
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Contact Contact { get; set; }

Solution 2:

Ok im not sure what you doing, cause it's a method im not familiar with. what i do with newtonsoft is i build classes to reflect Json Format. And then deserialize it onto it.


public class DeserializeJson
    public DataList ExtractedData;
    public DeserializeJson(IRestResponse response)
            ExtractedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DataList>(response.Content);
        catch(Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.Message());
    public class DataList
        public List<Data> Data {get; set;}
        public meta meta {get; set;}
        public string? links {get;set;}
    public class Data
        public int investigatorID {get; set;}
        public string firstName {get; set;}
        public string middleName {get; set;}
        public string lastName {get; set;}
        public List<titles> titles {get; set;}
        public List<CurrentMembership> {get; set;}
    public class meta
        public int totalRecords {get; set;}
        public int totalPages {get; set;}
    public class CurrentMembership
        public int investigatorCenterMembershipID {get; set;}
        public investigatorCenter investigatorCenter {get; set;}
        public currentMembershipType currentMembershipType {get; set;}
    public class titles
        public int investigatorID {get; set;}
        //not sure what additionalDetails could also hold but you have to reflect it
        public bool additionalDetails {get; set;}
        public DateTime? startDate {get; set;}
        public DateTime? endDate {get; set;}
        public int displayIndex {get; set;}
        public investigatorTitle investigatorTitle{get;set;}
    public class investigatorTitle
        public int id {get; set;}
        public string name {get; set;}
        public bool active {get; set;}
    public class currentMembershipType
        public int id {get; set;}
        public string name {get; set;}
    public class investigatorCenter
        public int id {get; set;}
        public string name {get; set;}
        public string code {get; set;}
        public bool active {get; set;}

After that i would pass whatever you want as everything there is accessible with linq.

For insance:


    DeserializeJson jsonResponse = new DeserializeJson(response);
    //access excample
    List<string> InvestigatorList = jsonResponse.ExtractedData.Data.Select(name=>name.lastName).ToList();