Possible to have `validate` fail on not specified elements?

The below returns success, even though obj contains an element that is not in the schema.


Is it possible to have validate fail, when it sees elements that are not specified in the schema?

Jest have this expect(obj1).toEqual(obj2).

If Validate can't do it, what options do I then have to detect unwanted elements?

const Schema = require("validate");

const obj = {good: "1", bad: "2"};

const user = new Schema({
  good: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

const r = user.validate(obj);

Yes, there is a strict option on the Schema, from the documentation:


A Schema defines the structure that objects should be validated against.

  • obj schema definition
  • opts options
    • opts.typecast

    • opts.strip

    • opts.strict

      Validation fails when object contains properties not defined in the schema (optional, default false)

So you'll need something like:

const options = { strict: true };

const user = new Schema({
  good: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
}, options);