What is the equivalent of Matlab's mesh function in Julia Plots.jl

use surface

using Plots
xs = range(-2, stop=2, length=100)\
ys = range(-pi, stop=pi, length=100)
f(x,y) = x*sin(y)
surface(xs, ys, f)

In modern Julia, v1.17, the approach is to create x and y ranges. Julia has changed over the years, and used to have linspace - it doesn't anymore.

There are three ways to create a range:

 x = start:step:end
 x = range(start,end,step=step)
 x = range(start,end,length=npts)

You will also need Plots. If you precompile it, it takes less time to load.

 pkg > add Plots
 pkg > precompile
 pkg > Ctrl-C

You need to select your backend for Plots. Choices are:

  1. pyplot() to select PyPlot (also requires Python's MatPlotLib)
  2. plotly() to select Plotly (displays in web browser)
  3. gr() to select GR, the default

Finally, you need to use surface to draw the surface. The function surface can take either a function or a matrix of z values. The function takes two parameters, x and y. Either the function is supplied directly, or it is applied to the ranges:

z = f.(x',y);

One of the ranges is transposed with ', and output suppressed with ;

Surface also takes optional parameters:

  • fill = :fillname
  • legend = true | false
  • size = (width,height)
  • clims = (lowlimit,highlimit)

An example:

using Plots


function f(x,y)
      r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)

z = f.(x',y);


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