If statement considers FALSE promise as TRUE

I'm making authentication in my app. And have such code

  const ttt = currentUser.changedPasswordAfter(decoded.iat);
  if (ttt) {
    console.log('if thinks ttt is true');

changedPasswordAfter retuns promise (true or false) So I run request and get this into console.

Promise { false }
if thinks ttt is true

As you see ttt is FALSE but IF statement decided that it is TRUE . How can I fix that ?

Promise is an object - so, it is "truthy". Only the resolved value of the promise can be true or false. To give the promise a chance to resolve, either the await or the Promise.then method should be used.

const ttt = currentUser.changedPasswordAfter(decoded.iat);
ttt.then((result) => {
   if (result)
     console.log('Promise returned true')
     console.log('Promise returned false')

Because ttt (which is a very bad name for a variable) is a Promise not a boolean so the if statement return True because the variable ttt has reference (is not undefined or null). try to add await keyword. it will work but you have to make the function Async

const ttt = await currentUser.changedPasswordAfter(decoded.iat);
  if (ttt) {
    console.log('if thinks ttt is true');