Ubuntu 20.04.2 PHP Error while pecl install

Solution 1:

  1. If it says: "No releases available for package ...", you will need to install php-dev package to get the necessary PHP5 source files to compile additional modules.

    Run apt-get install php-dev

    You can specify specific version: apt-get install php8.0-dev

  2. If you see "make: not found", you need to have make installed

    Run sudo apt-get install build-essential

  3. If you see: "WARNING: channel 'pecl.php.net' has updated its protocols":

    Run pecl channel-update pecl.php.net

  4. If you see: "Missing sql.h", you will need to install unixodbc-dev package.

    Run apt-get install -y unixodbc-dev

I'm guessing you're missing the last package, which is necessary for pecl command to install the PHP drivers.

If it still does not work, please update the complete error message.

You can refer to:

  • Linux and macOS Installation Tutorial for the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
  • Channel "pecl.php.net" has updated its protocols
  • AskUbuntu: Install PECL Packages on Ubuntu