Color change HTML

Although it's best to try and you should show your attempts, I assume you're stuck and cannot figure it out on your own. Below is a simple demonstration, if you enter a number in the input field which is below 25 it appears red, between 25-50, orange, and above, it appears green.

It would be better if you can use this example to implement your understanding now, or customise this as you wish.

const input = document.getElementById('number')

input.onkeyup = function () {
  let value = Number(input.value)
  if (value < 25) = "red"

  // Here we check as long as the number is above 25, but below 50, we update to orange.
  if (value > 25 && value <= 50) = "orange"
  if (value > 50) = "green"
<input type="text" id="number">

This jquery example will come in handy.

$("#myinput").keyup(function() {
  var myvalue = $(this).val();
  if (myvalue <= 25) {
    var color = "red";
  } else if (myvalue > 25 && myvalue <= 50) { 
    var color = "orange";
  } else {
    var color = "green";
  $(this).attr("style", "color:" + color);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="myinput">