"No required driver detected for unity" on Dell Mini 1010

Your graphics card seems to be under the minimal requirements for Unity - as per this page.

However, try this. Install UNR (on the HDD). Install this driver (it has 3D support), then restart and see if Unity works. If that does not work, then you are out of luck. GMA500 is a crappy little chipset.

The GMA500 (codename: Poulsbo) chipset is the main Intel graphics card without open-source drivers¹. As such, we can't support them on the LiveCD, and these drivers are consistently problematic and are hence not available in the official Ubuntu archives.

Sadly your card has poor Linux support. You can try the drivers linked to from this answer, but Ubuntu is not in a position to support this hardware.

¹: For various convoluted and interesting reasons :)