Hi I am using igniteui library, in which I am trying to show custom filter on each columns. All columns are working fine except column of dataType: 'date'. I am trying to show my input box instead of date picker box, but it's template inside is not showing. I tried almost all things, but not able to get the solution. Can anybody help what I am doing wrong. I am using version 12.3.3 of igniteui-angular

<ng-template #dateFilterTemplate igxFilterCellTemplate let-column="column">
        <div class="filter-cell">
            <igx-date-picker [value]="getFilterValue(column)" (onSelection)="onDateSelected($event, column)">
                <ng-template igxDatePickerTemplate let-openDialog="openDialog" let-displayData="displayData">
                    <igx-input-group type="box" #inputGr [displayDensity]="config.displayDensity">
                            [value]="displayData | date"
                        <igx-suffix *ngIf="input.value" (click)="clearInput(column)" tabindex="0">

Solution 1:

I tried to reproduce the problem with Ignite UI for Angular version 13 and everything is working well. Could you please make the necessary changes in order to reproduce with the following live-editing example:
