Read from file, Sort list by revenue, Write to file

I'm given a text file of 500 films formatted as such: "name" \t "gross revenue"

I've to write a function that sorts the films by gross revenue, then write the sorted content to the destination file.

I'm stuck on multiple counts and the error message that appeared is this: split[1]= int(split[1]) IndexError: list index out of range Command exited with non-zero status 1

import re

def sort_films(source, destination):    
    source= open(source)
    destination = open(destination, "w")
    for line in source:
        split= re.split("\t|\n", line)
        split[1]= int(split[1])
        full_list.sort(key= lambda i:i[1], reverse=True)
    print(full_list, file=destination)
sort_films("top500.txt", "top500result.txt")

You are removing the first element of a 2-element list, and then trying to access the second element of a now 1 element list. Either remove split.pop() or replace the index in split[1] = int(split[1]) with a 0.