Cannot pass JSON data to JSON.parse() in TypeScript

TypeScript throws an error when using JSON.parse(). When I pass it this json data:

    "AXzgeQ7vXOjWnFrgjHiM": {
        "0-17-13955610754117-8-2021": {
            "channelId": "17", 
            "end": "1642091400000", 
            "id": "0-17-13955610754117-8-2021", 
            "start": "1642090860000", 
            "title": "Yle Uutiset Alueeltasi", 
            "type": "broadcast"

Which is imported like: import stubReminders from './stub_data.json';

It throws the error:

Argument of type '{ AXzgeQ7vXOjWnFrgjHiM: { "0-17-13955610754117-8-2021": { channelId: string; end: string; id: string; start: string; title: string; type: string; }; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.ts(2345)

What should I change to successfully use JSON.parse()?

Try accessing your imported stubReminders as is without trying to parse it. I have tested out an example, and the import parses the JSON automatically.

I hope this works.

Also checkout this codesandbox link.