How can I work on both forms at the same time on ms access?

Solution 1:

There are a lot of ways to do this.

One way would be to set the two forms as popup. That would allow you to open both forms (even if one of the forms was a form + subform setup). And in fact, with the popup setting, you can even drag the forms right off and out of the main Access UI window.

Another way - especially with larger monitors?

Create a new big large form. And then while in design mode, drag the first form, and then the 2nd from from the nav pane into this larger form. This will thus allow and show the two forms as side by side inside of these new larger main form you create. This new main form will not really have any other purpose then to "hold" the two forms you want to display at the same time.

There is also STILL support in Access for what we call the older UI (windows "MIDI" or the so called multiple document interface). With the rise of tablets, phones, browsers all now using a "tab" like control across the top, then Access (and most of office) has also followed this design trend.

However, you CAN CHANGE the application to use the "older" multiple document interface that we don't see used much anymore.

Go file->options->current database, and choose this option:

enter image description here

When you choose the above setting (you have to re-start access).

Then when you open one form? (even a form with sub form), then you can open other forms also. Each form opened now will have its own separate window - and thus you can open 5 forms at the same time and see them all - monitor size permitting.

So you have quite a few options here.

You can create that big main form - drop in the two forms as sub forms
You can open the forms as POP up. This allows even dragging forms outside, or to 2nd monitor
You can change the application wide settings to overlapping windows

And there is a probably a few more ways and options here - but the above ideas should keep you busy - try them out - see which one works best for you.