Send data from SQL server to InfluxDB via Apache Nifi's PutInfluxDB processor

The issue your experiencing is because you're attempting to write to InfluxDB 2.x and the PutInfluxDB processor included with NiFi is only compatible with InfluxDB 1.x.

InfluxData has NiFi plugins available to support InfluxDB 2.x:

After installing the plugins, the processor you'll want to use is called PutInfluxDatabaseRecord_2.

To install the plugin, simply download the nar file for your version of NiFi (I believe it's 1.13.x in your case) and copy the file to the lib folder of your NiFi deployment:

e.g. $ cp ~/Downloads/nifi-influx-database-nar-1.13.0.nar $NIFI_HOME/lib

When you restart NiFi, the PutInfluxDatabaseRecord_2 processor will be available. This processor requires a StandardInfluxDatabaseService_2 controller service which is where you will configure access to InfluxDB via an InfluxDB API Token.

Learn more about creating API Tokens here: